Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I wonder if Michiking is a Fire Emblem fan...

In "Ane Taiken Ganbou" our luscious older sister of the day fantasizes about her sister

being a brother.

Now, is it just me or do the Kanas look a lot like the Morgans from Awakening? Hell, "Kana" is the name of your potential child in Fates too. Female Kana's even holding a 3DS. Coincidence?

... If Michiking ever did a Camilla doujin I'd be a goner. (He's probably too busy with 2hu to do that though.)

Nako no Rakuen is ending soon...

I literally stopped reading Mujaki no Rakuen for so long that Nako grew up and became even cuter?!

Seriously, what the hell?! How does she get even cuter?! (Oh, and plot stuff. Yeah. Whatever.)